jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

John McAleese

'Most people have heard of some of my exploits,namely the Iranian Embassy,where I was...er...sort of captured on film as you might say,going in through the window-without being asked.'

'I've seen one or two things-some good,some not so good-but I like to think I came away a better person.'


'Selection is the initial process of keeping the good and getting rid of the bad.

'What they're trying to do is get rid of the guys early.
The way they do this is with physical and mental tests.'

'You have time limits,but they don't tell you what these are.'

'You're using your brain all the time,becuase you're actually learning to map-read everywhere you go.'

'They'll say,'Here's your grid-reference',and they'll you once normally-because it's all about remembering things aswell.'

'Providing you've done enough previous training before you go on Selection,you should be fit enough and tough enough to do it......hopefully-but it doesn't always work that way.'

'The idea,when you're being questioned(in interrogation),is to try and be the 'grey man',show no emotion.'

'You're trying not to antagonise them,you're trying to get a happy balance.'

'Hopefully,by this stage you've got the physical toughness-but it's the mental side they're playing on.'

'They're trying to get a reactyion out of you,they're trying to get you talking,they're trying to break barriers down.'


'When you do an assault on a room,there are 3 entry methods;you go through the door,through the window or through the wall.'

'If you do have a stoppage during a room combat with these weapons(MP5),you don't waste time changing magazines-you're actually going to go for your sidearm.'


'Prior to the actual assault going in-to be honest with you I've been asked this question a few times,'How did you feel,were you frightened?',and all the rest of it.
In all honesty-I think I can speak to everybody who was on the job-nobody,I could actually say,was frightened,because we were actually that engrossed in the snooker at the time-because there was the Embassy World Championships on the television at the time and everybody was too busy watching that.
You were....let's say,switched on to do the job when it kicked off,but to say that anybody was frightened,or over anxious-or even worried,I'd say,'No'.
You know,everybody's sort of cool,calm,collected....you knew what job you were going to be doing,you were highly trained,you were well motivated....you were working with a good team of lads-everybody trusted everybody else,you know....the job was well planned...there was nothing to worry about.
All we were waiting for was the start time-when the boss said,'It's time to go'.
And up till then,all the training had been done,you can only practice for so long.
We were just waiting for the magic words,'Standby,standby-go!'.
No problems,no worries.'

'You learn not to become to personalised with the individuals.
They are,let's say...an enemy.
You may know alot of personal details about them,but these are soon forgotten...it is just an enemy.
Because at the end of the day,it doesn't matter whatever job you are doing within the anti-terrorist....let's say....scenarios-they are a bad guy,you are a good guy.
They're trying to kill you or kill hostages,and you are in there to stop them,and if you have to kill them to stop them-that's what you do.
That's your job.'

'There are things that you do miss......not just like friends,old comrades-that sort of rubbish.
But in certain respects,you do miss....how can you say...the buzz..............You do say,'I wish I was there',just to get this little buzz and little bit of excitement.'

'I maintain that they(22 SAS)are the best-and anyone that disagrees,well basically they're fools.
They are the best,always have been the best-and they won't be topped.'

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